What can you apply for
Within the field of wildlife research, NKV will support the following activities:
- Organizing/hosting workshops (applicant and collaborating partners)
- Organizing/hosting symposia (applicant and collaborating partners)
- Networks and networking activity
- Scientific courses
The grants will not cover salary for the participants. The grant can cover travel expenses, per diem and other operating costs as specified. When traveling we encourage the use of environmentally friendly transportation (for instance, train instead of plane).
The topics that are covered by each call might be limited. Applicants should carefully read the call text for each individual call prior to submitting an application.
The duration of the project can be up to 36 months.
The following criteria applies:
- The project leader should either be a researcher affiliated with a university or research institute OR a student enrolled in a university, in one of the participating NKV-countries (Norway, Sweden, Iceland, France)
- A project can include participation by people from other countries, if the event is hosted by a participating country (e.g. a workshop in Sweden with participants from outside Europe)
- Both PhD students and MSc students can apply for funding in the
- The application must include collaboration between/participants from at least two participating NKV-countries (Norway, Sweden, Iceland, France)
The grant schemes will include all topics that are included under the umbrella term "wildlife research". We define wildlife as game or potential game species, defined as species that are or potentially may be harvested, as well as species that today or in the near future will require management action to, for example, regulate numbers, distribution or to reduce damage. Wildlife research, as defined here, aims to provide the scientific basis for the conservation and management of wildlife and human-wildlife relationships. We adopt a broad concept of wildlife management, including policies and actions with the purpose of conservation, sustainable use or control of wildlife and its habitats. Priority will be given to projects covering/encompassing several participating countries.
The annual calls could be limited to certain topics, and the limitation will be decided by the NKV Board.
For each call, the criteria for prioritizing among qualified applications will be made clear. The criteria for prioritizing could include research topic, type of activity, focal country (to create balance between member states) and career stage.
Selection and approval procedures
The decisions should be made during a formal meeting of the NKV Board. All board members should approve the selected applications. A written decision letter should be sent to all applicants, successful or not.
Impartiality and conflicts of interest
To ensure that all applications receive a fair evaluation, the board members will not review and rank projects i) from former or current students or supervisors, ii) if they have co-published with the main applicant during the last five years, or iii) if there exists a conflict of interest. The board meeting protocol should include a statement about which applications were reviewed by which board members. If a board member has a conflict of interest, the board member will not take part in the discussion of the application and will not be present in the room when the application is reviewed.
The decision letter sent to successful applicants will include information about invoicing. The invoice should be sent from the host institution of the project.
Announcement of the decision
The decisions should be publicly announced on the NKV web page, and as a letter to the applicants.
All projects that receive a grant should submit a written report after the project has been completed. The report should include an ½ page summary with a photo that can be posted on the NKV web page.